Jessica Boots

Hi! I’m Jessica. I’m a yoga teacher, mom of a toddler, former middle school teacher and assistant principal, and big time nature lover.

I grew up in Seattle, but have called the Bay Area home for the last decade. I’m happiest when I’m moving my body, close to trees and the ocean, and am grounded enough to let my mind and soul be creative. I’ve been practicing yoga since I was in middle school, but it really became a daily practice when I was in my 20’s, mostly as a balance for all the running I was doing. Through that dedication though - and amazing teachers I met along the way - the true depth of what yoga has to offer became more clear.

To me, yoga is healing. For my body, for my heart, for my mind. My mat is a place to learn and grow, to challenge myself, to let myself rest, to practice presence, to laugh and cry, and let my mind quiet enough so that my intuition can speak more clearly. My hope as a teacher is to create spaces for others to do the same. I believe in inclusive spaces, that yoga is for all bodies and that all options and levels are welcome. I am continually learning how to be a better ally for BIPOC, AAPI, LGBTQIA+ folx and am excited to be a part of this new yoga community.


Hannah Franco


Kate Luxe