Victoria Garcia Drago

Victoria has been sharing her knowledge and passion for Yoga in research and with students of many levels, including professional athletes, for more than two decades.

Victoria's primary teacher is Barbara Benagh and she has also studied with Shiva Rea, among other teachers. Victoria’s purpose is to integrate her knowledge in Education, Psychology and Mind Body studies to offer a more comprehensive and accessible approach to yoga as a practice to enhance wellness, in English and Spanish.

Victoria was part of the research team at Boston Medical Center(BMC) “Back to Health”, led by Robert Saper, MD. Victoria taught Yoga for Chronic Low Back Pain to study participants from 2010-2014. In 2018, Victoria was invited to present “Integrative Approaches to Pain Management” in the Conference for Nutrition and Health in Boston. Since 2018, Victoria taught a weekly Yoga class at BMC, department of Integrative Medicine, for chronic pain patients. Victoria has produced a bilingual (English-Spanish) Yoga DVD.

Originally from Argentina, Victoria lived in Boston for twenty years. Currently, Victoria is in Oakland, CA, teaching Yoga and Wellness Coaching. She is currently working with Boston Medical Center and Butler Hospital in the YogaMAT (Medication for Addiction Treatment). This research is to study yoga, chronic pain, and SUD. Victoria also collaborates on a comparative study on yoga and AT (activation therapy) for depressed adults, Victoria leads the portion of this research in Spanish. Victoria has also worked with UCSF in research on chronic pain and social isolation for participants in English and Spanish. For more info, visit


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Zach Beach