Simone Hill Okafor

"I don't want to get to the end of my life and find that I just lived the length of it. I want to live the width of it as well."

- Diane Ackerman

I took my first yoga class thinking it would be a fun and easy way to stay fit. What I discovered was not only is this sacred practice extremely challenging physically, but mentally challenging. In fact, it is some of the most difficult yet deeply transformative work I’ve done in my life.

For me, yoga means being in the present, free from comparison, exploring the limits of my physical, mental, and spiritual being. Over the past ten years it has brought me peace of mind and taught me many lessons that I implement on and off my mat. I believe we were all designed to be a reflection of God’s love in the world. Yoga reconnects us with that love, first internally, which allows us to give love freely to others.

I began teaching to share this powerful, transformative practice with others and earned my 200-HR Yoga Teacher certification in 2023 (Shout out Hot Spot Yoga-Oakland!). My style combines my love for dance and fluid movement with curiosity and exploration. You can expect a welcoming and lively atmosphere in my classes with a dope playlist, always.


Rachel Wolin


Sophia Mallie